Introduction to College

LifeMap Stage

参加大学前15个学分课程的学生正在赚钱 重要的过渡和联系将影响金沙注册的成功. Valencia 帮助学生在他们的大学生涯的开始建立联系 and directions needed to plan a successful college experience.

Success Indicators
  • 制定、保存并遵循一份指导课程选择的教育计划 degree completion using My Education Plan.
  • 成功完成(A, B或C)所注册的所有课程.
  • 通过注册下一学期的预备课程来减少每学期剩余的预备课程的数量 level of the sequence until completion.
  • Create and follow a study plan for each enrolled course.
  • 利用校园资源(写作中心、辅导、图书馆、技能商店等).)
  • 通过完成“人生地图学生手册”练习来确定人生目标.
  • 使用我的职业规划来确定和研究一个潜在的职业道路.
  • 与学生、教职员、学生成功教练和教职员工交流.
  • Participate in campus activities or organizations.
  • Write down intended graduation date.
AST Academics
Student on West Campus
Student and Instructor at computer
Faculty Member next to tree holding book
Programs and Services

For more information about these programs, go to the Answer Center on any campus.

Advanced Placement (AP) and CLEP

从高中转AP学分的学生可以澳门金沙注册大学学分 courses. 学生可以参加特定学科领域的CLEP考试并澳门金沙注册大学学位 credit based on appropriate scores and satisfy degree requirements. Both programs provide accelerated mechanisms for degree completion at Valencia.

Advising Presentations

辅导员和学生成功教练在课堂上向入学的学生做报告 in Student Success and in English for Academic Purposes courses. These presentations 包括学位完成要求,并特别为学生入学做准备 in courses for the next term.

Bridges to Success

最近被选中参加这个项目的高中毕业生参加的课程 summer term as a transition to their first year in college. Students participate in 研讨会和支持服务,旨在协助大学过渡. Students 成功完成课程的学生有资格澳门金沙注册澳门金沙注册为期两年的奖学金.


技能商店提供帮助学生在大学和生活中取得成功. These interactive 工作坊的主题包括时间管理、压力管理、学习技巧、 记笔记、数学和演讲焦虑、职业规划和多样性意识.

PERT Preparation

PERT是佛罗里达所有社区大学使用的标准评估测试. Valencia has designed study guides for entering students. You can find the study guides and review sessions on the Assessments website under PERT.

My Education Plan (MEP)

这个教育计划工具使学生能够为特定的目标计划课程 degree at Valencia. Students can save several educational plans and make adjustments 以顺利完成学位要求. Login Required.

My Career Planner

这个职业规划工具使学生能够做出职业决定. This tool guides students through assessments to explore self, majors, and occupations; examine options and then set goals. Students can share their outcomes with the Career Advisors and Counselors. Login Required.

Honors Program

符合荣誉课程资格但尚未申请的学生将被确定 通过新生培训计划,并提供了申请的机会 acceptance. 参加荣誉课程的学生将澳门金沙注册特别的指导和注册 prior to our regularly scheduled registration period. Honors courses are small and offer in-depth study of subject matter. Honors graduates have special opportunities 申请转学奖学金和进入竞争激烈的四年制学院和大学.

Learning in Community (LINC)

学生以队列形式注册同一组课程(通常为2或3门课程) 这些课程由教师合作教授,他们协调教学大纲和学习内容 activities. 学习社区通过共享的支持系统支持学生的成功 and complimentary curricula that enrich the learning experience.

Math and Communications Support Centers

教学助理提供专门的学习系统,包括基于计算机的 辅导课、补充教学材料、实践评估和辅导 to support student success in these academic areas.

New Student Orientation

所有攻读学位的学生都必须参加一个迎新会 课程向他们介绍金沙注册,核心能力和LIFEMAP,学位 选择和要求,支持服务,并准备他们注册 first semester courses. Students can register for courses based on an assigned registration time ticket.

Student Development

学生自治协会,各种各样的学生俱乐部和组织, 校园活动、校内运动和金沙注册志愿者项目都很活跃 available for students who want to get involved in campus life. Opportunities are 通过欢迎桌、学生成功课程、俱乐部和活动博览会推广, Spirit Day week, and advertisements on campus.

Student Handbook

The Student Handbook is the "text" for LIFEMAP. It describes what LIFEMAP is, and 提供自我评估和信息,引导学生通过生活目标,职业生涯 目标,教育计划,制定时间表,学习成功技巧. College 本章提供了与每个主题相关的信息. A weekly calendar 提供重要的大学日期,并允许学生记录他们的作业和学术 schedule. 每周根据学生的LIFEMAP为他们提供“要做”的提示 stage.

Atlas Access Labs

这些实验室有计算机供学生使用Atlas和LifeMap工具 我的教育计划,我的职业规划,我的作品集,我的财务规划和我的工作 Prospects), the Internet, and e-mail. Student Success classes use the Atlas Access as learning laboratories for certain class periods. Students are welcome to drop-in to the Atlas Access at any time.

Tutoring Centers

对于需要额外学术支持的学生,可以通过以下方式澳门金沙注册免费辅导 one-on-one tutoring in specific courses. Supplemental Instruction models are implemented on some campuses. Tutors who are hired have the opportunity to earn a supplemental income while working on campus. Learning Support offers tutoring on each campus.

Preparatory Students

没有准备好大学水平的英语、阅读和语言课程的学生 大学预科课程是根据数学的评估分数来安排的. 政策和程序到位,以确保适当的安置到这些课程. 教师设计和实施创造性的教学策略,以提高学生 success. 支持服务,如数学和交流支持中心,辅导, 残疾学生服务和学业成功研讨会为学生提供帮助 in completing these courses.