


Both the complainant and the respondent may select a Title IX Advisor to serve during the entirety of the Title IX 过程 as outlined in Title IX Misconduct Procedures 第二节大学生活  政策6 hx28:2-01.

投诉人或被投诉人选择的第九条顾问可以是一名律师. Upon selecting a Title IX Advisor, the complainant or respondent must notify the Title 第九条协调员提供第九条顾问的姓名、电话号码和电子邮件地址.

Should either party select a different Title IX Advisor at any time during the established Title IX procedures, the party must notify the 第九条协调员 in writing and 提供新的第九条顾问的姓名、电话号码和电子邮件地址. The College will provide a Title IX Advisor upon request to a complainant or respondent, 不花钱. 学院向提出请求的个人提供的第九条顾问 可以,但不是必须,成为律师.

In the event that a complainant or respondent selected their own Title IX Advisor, the complainant or respondent may choose to change their 尊重ive Title IX Advisor 在第九条听证会之前. 新的第九条顾问可能是一个个人 party's choosing or the complainant or respondent may request that the College assign 他们的第九条顾问. Should either party not have identified a Title IX Advisor by ten (10) College business 在预定的第九章听证会前几天,学院将任命一名第九章听证会成员 指派顾问.


Title IX Advisors may attend with their assigned party any meetings scheduled as part 已确立的程序. 在这些会议上,第九条顾问不发言 代表或作为其指定方的代表. 第九条顾问可以向外部指定的团队提供清晰的信息和支持 如有需要,可安排会议及/或第九章听证会.

Upon review of all information gathered, and prior to the finalization of an investigation report, the 第九条协调员 (or designee) will provide via electronic or hard copy format, to the complainant 和被告及其各自的第九条顾问, all evidence directly related to the allegations at least ten (10) College business 检查、审查和回应的天数.

在十(10)个学院工作日的审查期过去后,并进行审查 of any written response from the complainant and/or respondent, the 调查员 will provide a final investigation report summarizing all relevant evidence to the complainant 和被告及其各自的第九条顾问. 投诉人和被告 学院将有十(10)个工作日的时间对 调查员.


The Title IX Advisor will not participate or represent the complainant or respondent in the Title 第九听力 with the exception of asking questions as requested by the advisee during cross examination of the opposing party or witness(es) during the Title 第九听力. In order to adequately provide cross examination support, the Title IX Advisor must be selected and their name and contact information provided to the 第九条协调员 在第九条听证会前不少于十(10)个大学工作日.

Title IX Advisors will be required to ask cross-examination questions of the opposing 当事人及/或证人. 这些问题应由投诉人或 respondent and provided to the Title IX Advisor to be asked during the Title 第九听力. Title IX Advisors will ask the question to the Title 第九听力 Officer who will make 该问题是否被允许的决定.

Title IX Advisors do not represent their party or speak on their behalf with the sole 除了上述的交叉盘问角色.

For more information and to report allegations of discrimination, harassment, or Title IX sexual misconduct, employees and students can contact the following individuals:




Title IX Advisors provided by the College will receive appropriate, required training 正如美国教育部概述的那样. 提供给学院的培训材料 指定的第九条顾问可在以下地址找到: tidesoftime.net/eo.

Title IX Advisors selected by complainants or respondents independent of those provided 学院将不会就有关的事宜提供培训 Title IX as outlined by the Department of Education but are nonetheless expected to 按照既定程序参与学院的流程.


A Title IX Advisor’s personal or professional 感兴趣 that is directly adverse to 被告知的一方的利益,这会造成很大的风险 the Title IX Advisor’s responsibilities to that party will be materially limited by the Title IX Advisor’s responsibilities to another party or to their personal or professional 感兴趣. 要成为利益冲突,利益必须实际影响结果 诉讼程序. 一种可能的或潜在的冲突,没有证据表明是怎样的 冲突会实际影响诉讼结果,是不够的.

A 利益冲突 exists when a Title IX Advisor has a familial relationship with a party or participant (other than the party being advised) whether by blood, 领养或结婚. 第九条顾问的个人或商业利益涉及 any party or participant in the proceeding may also be evidence of a 利益冲突, including but not limited to an 感兴趣 in a party or participant’s private business; the receipt of gifts or financial assistance from a party; or providing financial 对一方的协助. 仅受雇于学院或澳门金沙注册学院报酬的 service as a Title IX Advisor, having knowledge of a party or participant prior to the hearing, or being a certain sex or gender shall, by themselves, be insufficient 构成利益冲突.


  • 为指定的团队提供同理心的建议
  • Establishes a timeline to connect with assigned party to discuss details of the case and is available, accessible, and responsible to their assigned party throughout the 过程
  • Uses discretion when serving as a Title IX Advisor and does not disclose details of 将案件交给第三方
  • 在任何时候都保持正直
  • Treats all involved parties, including witnesses and College staff with dignity and 尊重
  • 为指定的团队提供公正的建议
  • Understands that Title IX Advisors do not represent their party during the Title IX 听力
  • Aware of their responsibility to ask thoughtful questions 在反复的
  • Limits questions deemed relevant by the hearing officer to those previously developed 派对上
  • Remains civil 在反复的 without badgering either party or witnesses
  • Maintains silence during the Title 第九听力 with the exception of asking questions 在反复的