Mission and Goals

金沙注册学院政策和总法律顾问办公室致力于采取行动 诚信、知法、理性,支撑着充满活力的教育 为学院提供及时、最新及准确的法律意见 向学院管理人员,教职员工,代表他们的角色 大学. 该办公室为联合国提供、管理和协调所有法律服务 学院无论是通过办公室还是外部律师事务所,确保效率、遏制 of costs, and reliability of service.


Upcoming 事件




State Legislative Information

2024 Legislative Session

有关某一特定法案的内容和进展的更多信息,最简单的 获取当前账单信息的方式是到 www.flsenate.政府 然后在主页顶部提供的空白处输入帐单号码,或者点击 to www.myfloridahouse.政府 and click on the top tab “Bills.“参议院的法案总是双数的(sb22) House bills are always odd numbers (HB 11). On the House site, note that you may choose either chamber or choose “both.当你输入帐单号码时,历史记录 将显示Bill,以及Bill文本、修正案、分析等. 请注意, 在立法会会议结束时,我们会分发一份会议报告 向你提供准确的信息,告诉你什么通过了,什么没有通过,以及金沙注册如何 大学 may be affected.

如欲查询更多有关法例事宜的资料,请联络:                                   Bill Mullowney bmullowney@tidesoftime.net

Valencia Session Reports

过去几期的金沙注册会议报告可在 Session Report Archives.

会议报告提供预算事项和实质性立法的简要摘要 affecting Florida 大学s. 请注意,目前,所有拨款又不少 bills are subject to the Governor's veto. All bill numbers are hyperlinked to their 在该州的在线阳光网站上各自的账单页面. There, you can find more 信息包括所有版本的账单文本、历史记录和员工分析.

在报告的最后,你会发现关于金沙注册成员的信息 州立法代表团,也就是那些代表佛罗里达众议院的立法者 或位于奥兰治县或奥西奥拉县的参议院选区. Here you will find their names, 图片 (图片 超链接到他们的在线阳光会员页面)、委员会任务及联络资料.

最后,贯穿整个报告的是描绘佛罗里达州的绘画图像 历史和遗产,其原件在众议院会议厅展出. 点击 探索这些画作背后的故事!


政策 & 程序


2024 Notices of Rule Development

  • 6 hx28: 3 c-01 Total Rewards:  Compensation & Hours of Work for 员工 of the 大学 (published 09/21/2024)
  • 6 hx28: 3 c-06.1指导、执行、高级管理员和管理员合同 员工 (published 09/21/2024)
  • 6Hx28: 3C-11 Retirement Programs (published 09/21/2024)
  • 6Hx28: 3c - 14401 (a)合格退休计划 (published 09/21/2024)
  • 6Hx28: 3D-02 Leaves of Absence (published 07/21/2024)
  • 6Hx28: 3D-09 Court-Related Leave (published 03/15/2024)
  • 6Hx28: 3D-10 Military Leave (published 06/03/2024)
  • 6Hx28: 3F-01离职和退出程序 (published 10/16/2024)
  • 6Hx28: 3F-02全职员工终端工资 (published 09/21/2024)
  • 6Hx28: 4-07学业进展、课程出勤和成绩、退课情况 (published 03/15/2024)
  • 6Hx28: 4-09 Instructional Materials (published 10/16/2024)
  • 6Hx28: 7A-02信息技术资源的可接受使用 (published 07/21/2024)
  • 6Hx28: 10-02 Trespass Warning/Arrest (published 08/07/2024)
  • 6Hx28: 10-07 Parking and Vehicle Traffic (published 08/07/2024)
  • 6Hx28: 10-07.2 Non-Motorized Vehicles on Campus (published 08/07/2024)
  • 6Hx28: 11-08.1 .临时使用房间或校园设施 (published 10/16/2024)

2024 Notices of Rule Adoption

  • 6Hx28: 3D-02 Leaves of Absence (published 08/03/2024)
  • 6Hx28: 3D-09 Court-Related Leave (published 05/13/2024)
  • 6Hx28: 3D-10 Military Leave (published 08/03/2024)
  • 6Hx28: 4-07学业进展、课程出勤和成绩、退课情况 (published 05/13/2024)
  • 6Hx28: 7A-02信息技术资源的可接受使用 (08/03/2024)

2024 Notices of Rule Repeal

  • 6Hx28: 7A-01信息技术资源政策 (published 08/03/2024)

2024 Adopted 政策

  • 6Hx28: 3D-02 Leaves of Absence (09/05/2024 Board Meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 3D-09 Court-Related Leave (06/20/2024 Board Meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 3D-10 Military Leave (09/05/2024 Board Meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 3E-08 Disciplinary Action (02/01/2024 Board Meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 3E-09 Employee Dispute Resolution (02/01/2024 Board Meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 3F-03暂停、解雇、恢复年度合同或不再续签合同 (02/01/2024 Board Meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 4-07学业进展、课程出勤和成绩、退课情况 (06/20/2024 Board Meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 7A-02信息技术资源的可接受使用 (09/05/2024 Board Meeting)

2024 Repealed 政策

  • 6Hx28: 7A-01信息技术资源政策 (09/05/2024 Board Meeting)

2023 Notices of Rule Development

  • 6Hx28: 1-03地区保管委员会会议 (published 08/14/2023)
  • 6Hx28: 2-01歧视、骚扰及相关不当行为 (published 10/21/2023)
  • 6Hx28: 2-03 Animals on Campus (published 10/21/2023)
  • 6Hx28: 3B-02新员工入职前筛选和入职处理 (published 07/15/2023)
  • 6Hx28: 3E-08 Disciplinary Action (published 10/21/2023)
  • 6Hx28: 3E-09 Employee Dispute Resolution (published 12/02/2023)
  • 6Hx28: 3F-01 Outprocessing for 员工 (published 03/11/2023)
  • 6Hx28: 3F-03暂停、解雇、恢复年度合同或不再续签合同 (published 10/21/2023)
  • 6Hx28: 8-03 Student Code of Conduct (published 10/21/2023)
  • 6Hx28: 8-11 Academic Dishonesty (published 10/21/2023)
  • 6Hx28: 10-04枪支和武器在大学财产和大学活动 (published 03/11/2023)
  • 6Hx28: 10-05 Smoking Regulations (published 04/08/2023)
  • 6Hx28: 11-07合同授予后的施工变更 (published 05/02/2023)


2023 Notices of Rule Adoption

  • 6Hx28: 1-03地区保管委员会会议 (published 08/18/2023)
  • 6Hx28: 2-01歧视、骚扰及相关不当行为 (published 11/04/2023)
  • 6Hx28: 2-03 Animals on Campus (published 11/04/2023)
  • 6Hx28: 3B-02员工入职前的筛选和处理 (published 11/04/2023)
  • 6 hx28: 3 e-05.2 Ethical Conduct and Performance (published 05/22/2023)
  • 6Hx28: 3E-08 Disciplinary Action (published 12/13/2023)
  • 6Hx28: 3E-09 Employee Dispute Resolution (published 12/13/2023)
  • 6Hx28: 3F-01 Outprocessing of 员工 (published 05/22/2023)
  • 6Hx28: 3F-03暂停、解雇、恢复年度合同和不再续约 合同 (published 12/13/2023)
  • 6 hx28: 3 f-05.2 Abandonment of Position (published 05/22/2023)
  • 6Hx28: 8-03 Student Code of Conduct (published 11/04/2023)
  • 6Hx28: 8-11 Academic Dishonesty (published 11/04/2023)
  • 6Hx28: 10-04枪支和武器在大学财产和大学活动 (published 04/22/2023)
  • 6Hx28: 10-05 Smoking Regulations (published 05/22/2023)
  • 6Hx28: 11-07合同授予后的施工变更 (published 05/22/2023)

2023 Notices of Rule Repeal

  • 6Hx28: 9-04 Advertising (published 08/18/2023)
  • 6Hx28: 6-12 Bonds (published 08/18/2023)
  • 6Hx28: 9-05 大学 Publications (published 08/18/2023)
  • 6 hx28: 3 c-01.4 Commencement (published 08/18/2023)
  • 6Hx28: 2-06 Developing Business Program( published 08/18/2023)
  • 6Hx28: 11-04 Lake Pamela West Campus (published 08/18/2023)
  • 6Hx28: 2-05少数民族和妇女企业项目 (published 08/18/2023)
  • 6Hx28: 9-03 Photography (published 08/18/2023)
  • 6Hx28: 5-03与学生、教师和工作人员的公共接触(published 08/18/2023)
  • 6 hx28: 3 e-05.5辅导 (published 05/22/2023)
  • 6 hx28: 3 f-05.行政和教学人员的辞职   (published 05/22/2023)
  • 6Hx28: 6-02 Investment of Funds (published 04/22/2023)

2023 Adopted 政策

  • 6Hx28: 1-03地区保管委员会会议 (09/14/2023 Board Meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 2-01歧视、骚扰及相关不当行为 (12/07/2023 Board Meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 2-03 Animals on Campus (12/07/2023 Board Meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 3B-02新员工入职前筛选和入职处理 (12/07/2023 Board Meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 3F-01离职和退出程序 (06/22/2023 Board Meeting)
  • 6 hx28: 3 f-05.2 Abandonment of Position (06/22/2023 Board Meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 8-03 Student Code of Conduct (12/07/2023 Board Meeting)
  • 6Hx28 8-11 Academic Integrity (12/07/2023 Board Meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 10-4大学财产和大学活动中的枪支和武器 (05/25/2023 Board Meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 10-05 Smoking Regulations (06/22/2023 Board Meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 11-07合同授予后的施工变更 (06/22/2023 Board Meeting)

2023 Repealed 政策

  • 6Hx28: 2-05少数民族和妇女企业项目 (09/14/2023 Board Meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 2-06 Developing Business Program (09/14/2023 Board Meeting)
  • 6 hx28: 3 c-01.4 Commencement (09/14/2023 Board Meeting)
  • 6 hx28: 3 e-05.5辅导 (06/22/2023 Board Meeting)
  • 6 hx28: 3 f-05.行政和教学人员的辞职 (06/22/2023 Board Meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 5-03与学生、教师和工作人员的公共接触 (09/14/2023 Board Meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 6-02 Investment of Funds (05/25/2023 Board Meeting)
  • 6H28: 6-12 Bonds (09/14/2023 Board Meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 9-03 Photography (09/14/2023 Board Meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 9-04 Advertising (09/14/2023 Board Meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 11-04 Lake Pamela West Campus (09/14/2023 Board Meeting)

2022 Notices of Rule Development

  • 6 hx28: 3 c-01.4 Commencement (published 06/15/2022)
  • 6 hx28: 3 e-05.5辅导 (published 10/28/2022)
  • 6Hx28: 3F-03暂停、解雇、恢复年度合同或不再续签合同 (published 10/28/2022)
  • 6Hx28: 3F-04裁员或合并或缩减计划-继续 Contract Instructional Personnel (published 10/28/2022)
  • 6 hx28: 3 f-05.2 Abandonment of Position (published 10/28/2022)
  • 6Hx28: 8-03 Student Code of Conduct (published 02/27/2022) 
  • 6Hx28: 9-07 Naming Opportunities (published 04/25/2022)
  • 6Hx28: 11-08.1 .临时使用房间或校园设施 (published 08/12/2022)
  • 6Hx28: 11-08.2 大学 Facilities, Non-大学 Use of (published 08/12/2022)


2022 Adopted 政策 

  • 6Hx28: 2-04 AIDS and HIV (05/26/2022 Board Meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 3C-02非教学员工弹性工作安排 (06/23/2022 Board meeting)
  • 6 hx28: 3 d-06.1 Family and Medical Leave (12/01/2022 Board meeting)
  • 6 hx28: 3 d-06.工伤赔偿和因公负伤休假 (12/01/2022 Board meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 5-05高校商务用车 (05/26/2022 Board meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 5-11 大学 Property Control (05/26/2022 Board meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 9-06 Grant Funding (05/26/2022 Board meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 10-1报告事故或伤害 (12/01/2022 Board meeting)



  • 6H28: 3A-06 Employee and Student Exchanges (12/01/2022 Board meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 8-04学生持有或饮用含酒精饮料 (05/26/2022 Board meeting)


2021 Notices of Rule Development

  • 6Hx28: 4-09 Instructional Materials (published 08/20/2021)
  • 6Hx28: 8-11 Academic Dishonesty (published 10/23/2021)
  • 6Hx28: TBD Trademark 政策 (published 09/19/2021)

2021 Notices of Rule Adoption

  • 6Hx28: 4-09 Instructional Materials (published 10/30/2021)

2021 Notices of Rule Repeal

  • 没有一个

2021 Adopted 政策

  • 6Hx28: 1-06 The President of the 大学 (06/23/2021 Board meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 2-08学生举行宗教活动的安排(02/24/2021 Board meeting)
  • 6 hx28: 3 c-01.5 紧急情况、灾害和其他特殊情况下的工作分配和补偿 和不利的工作条件(12/02/2021董事会会议)
  • 6 hx28: 3 d-06.2 Fitness for Duty (02/24/2021 Board meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 3D-10 Military Leave (02/24/2021 Board meeting)
  • 6 hx28: 3 e-05.2 Ethical Conduct and Performance (02/24/2021 Board meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 3E-09 Employee Dispute Resolution (02/24/2021 Board meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 8-03 Student Code of Conduct (12/02/2021 Board meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 10-08无毒校园和工作场所 (12/02/2021 Board meeting)


  • 6Hx28: 3A-07 Temporary Duty (02/24/2021 Board meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 3B-01 Human 资源 Actions (07/28/2021 Board meeting)
  • 6 hx28: 3 c-01.3 Councils and Committees (05/26/2021 Board meeting)
  • 6 hx28 3 e-05.接受因购买或收养图书、设备而产生的礼品; or Materials by the 大学 (02/24/2021 Board meeting)
  • 6hx283e -07个人财务责任(02/24/2021 Board meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 6-03.2 Signatures on Checks and Human 资源 (07/28/2021 Board meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 10-08.2 Drug-Free Workplace (12/02/2021 Board meeting)

Notice Archives

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